Ordering photos is really simple. We highly suggest you create an account with us (don't worry, your information is secure and is not shared). When you create an account, while shopping, all of your changes and updates will be saved to your account automatically. To retrieve them in the future, click "Sign In" at the top of the screen. If you choose not too, no worries. You can still shop as a guest. Choose Sign in towards the top right to make an account.
All of your photos will load in a grid format. Scrolling over an image will allow you to enlarge it or add to your favorites. After the image is larger, you can purchase it by clicking on the "BUY" button. Individual prints will load first. The tab next to it will allow you to browse our other products or packages.
All orders are run through a very secure process and information given to us is not shared by anyone. If you have any question, comments or concerns please give us a call at 308.436.4422 or email at designteam@spectrumphoto.biz.